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How to Become a Remote Online Notary in Wyoming

Starting on July 1, 2021, Wyoming Notaries Public can apply to perform remote online notarizations (RONs). Follow the steps below to become a remote Notary.

  1. Hold an existing commission as a traditional Notary Public.
  2. Contract with an approved RON technology provider.
  3. Complete the training provided by your chosen vendor.
  4. Fill out the application form and take the exam. Print it out and get it notarized.
  5. Submit the form by mail with an ink signature along with your $60 filing fee.
  6. Notify the Secretary of State of your intention to perform remote online notarizations. Include the name of your chosen RON vendor.

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In This Guide: Wyoming RON Requirements | About RON in Wyoming | Additional FAQs

Requirements to be a Remote Notary in Wyoming

Before applying to become a remote Notary in the Equality State, you must first meet the state's requirements of becoming a traditional Notary Public. Applicants for a Notary commission must be at least 18 years old, be a citizen or permanent legal resident of the U.S. or otherwise lawfully present in the U.S., be a resident of Wyoming or have a place of employment or practice in the state or be the spouse or legal dependent of military personnel assigned to active duty in WY, and have passed the exam required under W.S. 32-3-121(a).

Notaries must not be disqualified to receive a commission under W.S. 32-3-122.

Does Wyoming require training or an exam to become a remote Notary?

Yes, both education and exam are required to become a remote online Notary in Wyoming.

Review the Notary Education Presentation on the Secretary of State website. The exam is 20 questions and is located on the application form.

What tools and technology do I need to perform remote online notarizations?

In order to provide remote Notary services, you're required to have a computer, webcam, microphone and secure connection to the internet. Your computer must be able to support two-way audio and visual communication. The Secretary of State has listed the following RON providers on their website: BlueNotary, Clear Sign, CSC Global, Inc., Cyberize It, DocVerify, Figure Technologies, Jetexas Information Technovation, Notarize, NotaryCam, Pavaso, SafeDocs, SIGNiX and World Wide Notary. You'll also need to get your remote Notary supplies, such as your digital certificate containing your electronic signature and electronic seal that must comply with your chosen RON platform.

At least one journal in either a physical or an electronic format is also required.

Do I need a surety bond?

No, a surety bond is not required to perform remote online notarizations.

Why should I get an E&O insurance policy?

An errors and omissions (E&O) policy protects you in your role as the Notary, unlike a surety bond that protects the public. In the event you make an unintentional mistake during a notarization, your E&O policy covers the cost of a claim should the signer file one against you.

About Remote Online Notarization (RON) in Wyoming

Learn how RONs work and the types of notarial acts that can be performed remotely below.

Does Wyoming allow remote notarizations?

Yes, Senate File 29 took effect on July 1, 2021. The new bill allows Notaries with an active commission in Wyoming to register for their remote authorizations.

How do remote notarizations work in Wyoming?

Remote notarizations replace in-person interaction with a virtual one. During a remote notarization, the signer logs onto a RON platform where they must pass a dynamic knowledge-based authentication (KBA) assessment and have their credentials checked. Afterward, they meet the Notary on camera.

The Notary verifies the signer's identity through satisfactory evidence on the basis of two or more different types of technologies, processes or services, such as dynamic knowledge-based authentication (KBA) assessment, valid public key certificate, identity proofing, credential analysis or other means required by the electronic notarization system. Next, the Notary confirms the signer's awareness and willingness to sign. From there, the Notary checks the document, completes the notarial certificate wording, attaches an electronic seal and attaches a digital certificate containing their electronic signature.

The notarization is complete when the Notary records an entry in their journal and saves an audio-visual recording of the transaction.

Wyoming remote Notaries may perform notarizations for signers located anywhere.

What types of notarial acts can be performed remotely?

In Wyoming, Notaries can perform the following notarial acts online:

  • Taking an acknowledgment
  • Administering an oath or affirmation
  • Taking a verification upon oath or affirmation
  • Performing a jurat
  • Witnessing or attesting a signature
  • Certifying or attesting a copy
  • Noting a protest of a negotiable instrument

How long do remote notarizations take vs. traditional notarizations?

Remote notarizations take significantly less time than traditional notarizations because the signer and Notary do not need to travel to meet in a physical location. The time from when the signer requests a notarization through a RON platform to when the Notary attaches an electronic seal and digital certificate can take only a few minutes.

Additional RON FAQs

Keep reading for the cost of becoming a remote Notary and the fees WY Notaries can charge.

How much does it cost to become a WY online Notary?

The cost of becoming a remote online Notary in Wyoming will largely depend on the tools and technology needed to perform RONs. While there is no additional fee to apply for your remote authorization, you will need to consider the cost of signing up with a RON provider and getting your electronic seal and digital certificate.

If you have an optional surety bond or recommended E&O policy, you will need to factor in the cost of maintaining either one. Additional expenses may be a computer, webcam, microphone and secure internet access if you don't already have those items.

How much can remote Notaries charge in Wyoming?

Remote Notaries in Wyoming may charge up to $10 per notarial act. A technology fee for using an electronic notarization system or another form of communication technology may be charged if the Notary and signer agree to the fee prior to the notarization.

How long does it take to become a remote Notary?

It can take up to two weeks to become a remote online Notary. The first week will be spent getting your Notary Public commission. However, if you already have your traditional commission, the process of getting authorized to perform RONs can be done quickly.

After becoming commissioned, you'll spend time choosing a RON technology provider and completing their training. Afterward, you'll notify the Secretary of State of your intent to perform remote notarizations and wait for their approval. This can take one to two days, depending on your availability and the time it takes for the Secretary to respond to your request.

How long will my remote Notary authorization last?

Your remote Notary authorization runs concurrently with your traditional Notary Public commission, which has a term of six years. You will need to reapply to perform RONs when your commission expires.

Will RON services grow my WY Notary business?

Yes, becoming a remote online Notary and signing up with a RON technology provider can help grow your business. With access to signers inside and outside of Wyoming, the opportunity to reach more customers increases significantly.

To take your Notary business to the next level, consider becoming a Notary Signing Agent (NSA). Getting your NSA certificate assures RON providers you've passed a current background screening, which can make you eligible to receive more assignments.

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Last updated: June 21, 2023

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