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How to Become a Remote Online Notary in New Hampshire

Starting February 6, 2022, Notaries in New Hampshire with an active commission can apply to perform remote online notarizations (RONs). If you're interested in becoming a remote online Notary in New Hampshire, follow the steps below:

  1. Hold an existing commission as a traditional Notary Public.
  2. Contract with a RON technology provider that meets state requirements.
  3. Notify the Secretary of State of your intent to perform remote notarizations and provide the name of your chosen RON provider.

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In This Guide: NH RON Requirements | About RON in NH | Additional FAQs

Requirements to be a Remote Notary in New Hampshire

Before you can apply to perform remote notarizations, you must first meet New Hampshire's requirement of holding a traditional Notary Public commission. Notaries must be at least 18 years old; be a resident of New Hampshire or of an abutting state who is a Notary in that state and carries on a trade, business or practice in the state; and be endorsed by two New Hampshire Notaries in good standing and a person registered to vote in the state.

Does New Hampshire require training or an exam to work as an online Notary?

Neither a training course nor an exam is required to perform RONs.

What tools and technology do I need to perform online notarizations?

For remote online notarizations, you'll need a computer, webcam, microphone and secure connection to the internet. You'll need to contract with a RON provider that meets state requirements. The NH Secretary of State does not endorse any specific third-party RON vendor, but the following providers meet state requirements: BlueNotary, Clear Sign, Cyberize It, DocVerify, Pavaso and SIGNiX.

Additional supplies you'll need to buy include an electronic seal, an electronic journal and a digital certificate containing your electronic signature. These items must be compatible with your chosen RON provider.

Do I need a surety bond?

No, a surety bond is not required to perform remote online notarizations in New Hampshire.

Is an errors and omissions (E&O) insurance policy required?

An E&O insurance policy is not required but is strongly recommended. While a surety bond protects the public, an E&O policy protects you as a Notary and can save you from costly legal fees arising from unintentional mistakes you might make.

About Remote Online Notarization (RON) in New Hampshire

Below, you'll learn how remote notarizations work in New Hampshire.

Does New Hampshire allow remote online notarization?

Yes, Senate Bill 134 was enacted and takes effect on February 6, 2022. Under the new bill, NH Notaries can perform notarizations for remotely located individuals so long as the Notaries themselves are physically located within the state at the time of the act.

How do remote online notarizations work in New Hampshire?

Remote notarizations begin with the signer logging onto a RON platform. The signer must pass a knowledge-based authentication (KBA) assessment and credential analysis before meeting the Notary via webcam.

Afterward, the Notary verifies the signer's identity a third time either through personal knowledge or a credible witness taking an oath or affirmation as to the identity of the signer. Once the signer's identity is confirmed, the Notary will ask questions to verify the signer understands the document and are willing to sign it.

Then, the Notary checks the document for blanks, completes the notarial certificate block, attaches an electronic seal and attaches a digital certificate containing their electronic signature.

The notarization is complete when the Notary records a journal entry and saves an audio-visual recording of the act.

What types of notarial acts are permitted online?

In New Hampshire, Notaries may perform the following notarial acts remotely:

  • Taking an acknowledgment
  • Administering an oath or affirmation
  • Performing a jurat
  • Taking a deposition
  • Witnessing or attesting a signature
  • Noting a protest of a negotiable instrument

How long do remote notarizations take vs. traditional notarizations?

Remote notarizations take significantly less time than traditional notarizations. This can be explained simply by the fact that notarizing documents remotely doesn't require traveling. From the moment a signer logs onto a RON platform to when you attach your digital certificate containing your electronic seal, the session can only take a few minutes without leaving your home.

Additional RON FAQs

Below are answers to commonly-asked questions regarding RON in New Hampshire.

How much does it cost to become an NH remote online Notary?

Becoming a remote Notary in New Hampshire can cost below $100 up to a couple of hundred dollars, depending on the vendors you choose to work with plus other factors. For example, you'll need to pay any sign-up fees to partner with a RON technology provider as well as your digital Notary supplies like your eSeal and digital certificate.

If you have a surety bond and/or recommended E&O policy, you'll need to include the cost to maintain those policies. Additional expenses if you don't already have these items include a computer, webcam, microphone and secure internet access.

How much can online Notaries charge in New Hampshire?

New Hampshire sets $25 as the maximum fee Notaries can charge per remote notarization.

How long does it take to become an online Notary?

It can take between 10 to 12 weeks to become a remote online Notary in New Hampshire with a majority of that time spent on getting your traditional Notary Public commission.

Once you're commissioned, the process is relatively quick. You'll spend a day choosing and getting set up with a RON provider and notifying the Secretary of State of your intent to perform RONs and the name of your vendor. It may take up to a week to get your request acknowledged by the SOS.

How long will my remote Notary authorization last?

Your remote Notary authorization lasts as long as your traditional Notary Public commission is active. You must renew your Notary commission and have it approved before notifying the Secretary of State of your intent to perform RONs again.

Will RON services grow my NH Notary business?

Yes, providing remote online notarizations can only help your business grow. With the technology to perform notarial acts online, you have unlimited access to signers located within and outside of New Hampshire.

If you're interested in expanding your business further, consider becoming a Notary Signing Agent (NSA). An NSA certificate proves you've passed a current background screening, making you eligible for loan signings.

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Last updated: June 21, 2023

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