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How to Become a Remote Electronic Notary in Nevada

As of December 14, 2018, Nevada Notaries may register to perform remote online notarizations (RONs). Individuals authorized to provide RON services are often referred to as "remote" or "online" Notaries. The NV Secretary of State also uses the term "electronic" Notaries.

Becoming a remote electronic Notary in Nevada requires the following steps:

How to Become a Remote Online Notary in Nevada

  1. Hold an existing commission as a traditional Notary Public.
  2. Register for the state-required eNotary training courseSign on the Secretary of State's Business Portal website. 
  3. Pay the $45 registration fee.
  4. Complete the online registration form and pay the $50 application fee.
  5. Complete the training course and pass the exam.
  6. Get an electronic signature and seal from an approved RON technology provider, and upload a PDF file.

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In This Guide: Nevada RON Requirements | About RON in Nevada | Additional FAQs

Requirements to be a Remote Notary in Nevada

Before you can register as an online Notary, you must first meet Nevada's requirement of holding a traditional Notary commission. NV Notaries must be at least 18 years old and a resident of the State. You must possess your civil rights (a felon cannot be a Notary), and you must never have had your notary commission revoked in another state.

What training is required to work as an electronic Notary?

Nevada requires remote Notaries to complete an eNotary training course. The three-hour online course covers the process and requirements of remote online notarizations. Topics include using audio-video communication tools to identify signers online, fees you can charge for electronic services, information required for electronic journals and the importance of eSeals and digital certificates.

Is there an exam to become a remote eNotary in NV?

The state-required training course includes an online exam. You must pass the exam with a score of 75% or higher before the Secretary of State will approve your registration as an electronic Notary.

What technology and supplies do I need to perform virtual notarizations?

To work as an online Notary in Nevada, you will need a computer, webcam, microphone and secure connection to the internet. Your computer must be able to support two-way audio and visual communication in order to perform RON services. The Secretary of State requires you to select from its list of approved vendors, which includes: BlueNotary, Clear Sign, Cyberize It, docVerify, Figure Technologies, Inc., Notarize Inc., NotaryCam, Pavaso, SIGNiX and

Remote eNotaries are also required to have a few digital supplies that are compatible with their RON vendor, including a digital certificate containing their signature, an electronic journal and an electronic seal.

You may register with more than one solution provider. A $50 registration fee is required for each platform you use. If you're changing your provider, you must submit a $10 fee and amendment form through SilverFlume.

Do I need additional surety bond coverage?

No, the minimum $10,000 surety bond for your traditional NV Notary commission covers electronic notarial acts. Traditional Notaries register as remote eNotaries, and do not get a separate commission, therefore you do not need a separate surety bond.

Is an E&O insurance policy required in Nevada?

Nevada does not make errors and omissions (E&O) insurance mandatory, but it is recommended that Notaries get a policy in case of any mishaps during notarizations. E&O policies protect you, as the Notary, from unintended mistakes whereas surety bonds protect the public.

How to Become a Remote Online Notary in Nevada

About Remote Online Notarization (RON) in Nevada

Below, you will learn how convenient remote online notarizations can be as well as the difference between in-person electronic notarizations and online notarizations.

Is online notarization allowed in Nevada?

Yes, Nevada was among the first few states to enact remote electronic notarization laws. The Secretary of State adopted temporary rules to implement online notarization in 2018 and made the rules permanent on December 13, 2019.

How do remote electronic notarizations work in Nevada?

In remote notarizations, the signer physically appears before the electronic Notary in real-time using audio-video technology. The Notary verifies the signer’s identity by 1) personal knowledge, 2) remote presentation of a government-issued ID that contains a photo and signature of the signer, credential analysis of the ID, and a dynamic knowledge-based authentication assessment, 3) any other method that complies with the Secretary of State, or 4) a valid certificate that complies with the Secretary of State.

Next, the Notary will ask a series of questions to determine whether or not the signer is aware of what's in the document and that they're signing it willingly.

Then, electronic signatures are added to the document and the Notary enters the appropriate information in the certificate. Then the Notary adds their electronic seal and attaches their digital certificate, rendering the document tamper-evident.

The Notary completes the electronic journal entry and an audio-video recording of the session is stored.

It's important to note if the Notary or signer leaves at any point during the session, the audio-video communication link is broken, or the resolution or quality of the transmission becomes compromised and cannot be completed, the identity verification process and any incomplete notarial acts must be restarted from the beginning.

Are electronic notarizations and online notarizations the same thing?

No, electronic notarization and online notarization are not the same. While both types of notarization use electronic documents and digital supplies, the primary difference is whether the signer and Notary meet in-person, or if they meet online using a state-approved RON platform.

It's important to note that, regardless of where the signer is located, electronic Notaries in Nevada must be physically located within the State at the time of any online notarization they perform.

What notarial acts can be performed virtually?

The state of Nevada permits registered eNotaries to conduct the following notarial acts remotely:

  • Taking an acknowledgment
  • Executing a jurat
  • Administering an oath or affirmation
  • Certifying a true and correct copy
  • Performing such other duties as prescribed by law

How long does a remote notarization take versus traditional notarization?

Remote notarizations take less time than traditional notarizations because they don't require the signer nor the Notary to meet in person, saving you time from traveling. Depending on the RON technology provider you choose, you can receive and complete a notarization request within a few minutes without having to leave your home.

Additional RON FAQs

Below are answers to commonly-asked questions regarding RON in the Silver State.

How much does it cost to register as an NV remote Notary?

The cost of becoming a remote online Notary in Nevada ranges from $180 to a few hundred dollars, depending on the companies you choose to work with and a variety of other factors. For example, you will need to pay $45 for the state-required training course, the State's $50 application fee and any sign-up fees associated with your preferred RON technology provider. The price of your digital supplies, like the eSeal and digital certificate, will also factor into your total cost for becoming a remote electronic Notary. Also, the cost to maintain your $10,000 surety bond may vary depending on your credit history among other factors.

You may already have a computer, webcam, microphone and secure internet access set up at home, but if you don't, you will want to factor those items into your startup costs.

How much can eNotaries charge for their services?

In Nevada, remote electronic Notaries may charge $25 per signature for taking an acknowledgment or executing a jurat and $25 for administering an oath or affirmation. If you charge for any notarization, you must post a schedule of your fees.

How long does it take to become an NV remote Notary?

It can take seven weeks or longer to become an online Notary in Nevada. Up to four of those weeks will be spent on the first step of the registration process: becoming a traditional Notary. The rest of the process can be done fairly quickly.

After you receive your commission as a traditional Notary Public, you will spend one hour registering for the eNotary training course, one hour completing the registration form and paying the $50 application fee, three hours taking the required training course, and one day getting your electronic signature and electronic seal and uploading them to the State's website.

The Secretary of State's Office may need up to three weeks to process your information and email a confirmation that you are approved as an electronic Notary.

How long will my remote Notary registration last?

Nevada's electronic Notary registration expires the day your traditional Notary commission expires. You must renew your traditional commission and registration as an eNotary at the same time.

Will RON services grow my NV Notary business?

Yes, becoming a remote online Notary and joining a RON platform can help your business grow quickly because your customer base is no longer limited to Nevada residents. When you're an online eNotary you may notarize for signers outside of the state border or anywhere else as long as you're physically located in Nevada at the time of notarization.

Consider becoming a certified Notary Signing Agent (NSA), too. Getting your NSA certification makes you eligible to receive more RON assignments and ensures RON technology providers that you've passed a current background screening. Make sure to check your state's instructions for NSAs and comply with any laws pertaining to your services and the fees you charge.

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Last updated: June 21, 2023

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