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How to Become a Remote Online Notary in Missouri

As of August 28, 2020, Missouri Notaries can register to perform remote online notarizations (RONs). Individuals authorized to provide RON services are often called "remote" or "online" Notaries. In Missouri, the process of becoming an electronic Notary is not the same as becoming a remote online Notary.

To become a remote online Notary in MO, you must complete the application process below:

  1. Hold an existing commission as a traditional Notary Public, or apply for a commission at the same time.
  2. Complete a remote Notary training course from a state-approved provider and pass the exam.
  3. Contract with a state-approved RON technology provider.
  4. Complete the remote online Notary application and email it to

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In This Guide: Missouri RON Requirements | About RON in Missouri | Additional FAQs

Requirements to be a Remote Notary in Missouri

Before you can register to perform remote notarizations, you must first either hold an active commission as a traditional MO Notary Public or apply for a commission at the time of remote Notary registration. Traditional Notaries must be at least 18 years old, be a permanent resident alien, and reside in the Missouri county where they’re applying or have a work address in that county.

You must be able to read and write English and not have any felony convictions.

Does Missouri require special training to work as a remote Notary?

Yes, Notaries must complete a training course approved by the Secretary of State. The course will cover notarial laws, procedures and ethics pertaining to remote notarization.

Is an exam required?

Yes, at the end of the training course, Missouri remote Notary applicants must take and pass an exam.

What tools and technology do I need to perform online notarizations in Missouri?

Notaries are required to have a computer, webcam, microphone and secure connection to the internet. Your computer must be able to support a live two-way audio-video feed. Next, you'll need to select one of the RON providers approved by the Secretary of State. The list of state-approved vendors includes: BlueNotary, Clear Sign, Digital Delivery, Inc., DocuSign, DocVerify, NotaryCam, OnlineNotary and Pavaso.

You'll also need to get an electronic seal, electronic journal and a digital certificate containing your electronic signature. Make sure these are compliant with your chosen RON provider.

Do I need another surety bond?

Missouri Notaries are required to get a $10,000 surety bond for their traditional commission, but the Secretary of State does not provide further information regarding bonds for remote online registration. Check with your surety company to find out if your policy covers online notarizations. We'll update this page as more information becomes available.

Is a Notary E&O insurance policy necessary in Missouri?

An errors and omission (E&O) insurance policy is not required in Missouri, but it's strongly recommended. Surety bonds protect the public from financial damage as a result of misconduct on your part, whereas E&O policies protect you as a Notary. An insurance policy can cover your legal expenses should an unintended mistake occur.

About Remote Online Notarization (RON) in Missouri

Remote online notarization has arrived in the Show-Me State. Learn the process of performing RONs and the notarial acts that can be completed virtually.

Does Missouri allow remote notarization?

Yes, House Bill 1655 is effective August 28, 2020, which authorizes remote online notarizations in the state.

How do remote online notarizations work in MO?

Remote online notarizations involve digital documents and electronic signatures. The Notary verifies the signer’s identity by 1) having personal knowledge of the signer, 2) viewing a remotely presented ID, credential analysis and identity proofing, 3) any other method that complies with any rules adopted by the Secretary of State, or 4) a valid certificate.

Then, the signer signs the document with an electronic signature. From there, the Notary checks the document for blanks, fills out the notarial certificate, attaches their eSeal and attaches a digital certificate containing their eSignature.

The notarization is marked complete when the Notary has saved a journal entry and audio-visual recording of the transaction.

MO remote Notaries can perform remote notarizations for signers in any location as long as the Notaries themselves are physically located within the state at the time of the notarial act.

What notarial acts can be performed virtually in this state?

Missouri only allows the following notarial acts to be performed remotely:

  • Taking acknowledgments
  • Performing jurats

How long does a remote notarization take vs. traditional notarization?

Remote notarizations take significantly less time than traditional notarizations simply because travel is no longer a factor. From the moment the signer logs onto a RON platform and requests a notarization to when the Notary attaches their digital certificate, the entire process can take only a few minutes.

What are the different types of notarizations in Missouri?

There are three types of notarizations in Missouri: traditional notarizations, electronic notarizations and remote online notarizations. In traditional and electronic notarizations, the signer and Notary meet in person. Instead of paper documents used in traditional notarizations, electronic notarizations use digital documents and electronic signatures. Remote online notarizations use digital documents and electronic signatures, but the signer and Notary appear before each other over a webcam.

Additional RON FAQs

Have more questions regarding RONs? Read on below for answers.

How much does it cost to register as a remote online Notary in Missouri?

The cost to register as a remote Notary can range from below $100 to a couple of hundred dollars, depending on the vendors you choose to work with and other factors. MO Secretary of State does not list the cost of the registration fee, training course and exam if any. We'll update this page when that information becomes available.

However, you can expect to pay any sign-up fees to join a RON platform, the cost of your digital supplies like your electronic seal and digital certificate, and fees to maintain your $10,000 surety bond and an optional E&O insurance policy. If you don't already have a computer, webcam, microphone and secure internet access set up, you'll need to factor those into your startup costs.

How much can MO remote Notaries charge for their services?

The Missouri Secretary of State allows remote online Notaries to charge $5 for most notarial acts. An additional service fee for using a RON technology platform may be charged only if the signer and Notary agree to it in advance.

How long does it take to become a virtual Notary?

It can take four to six weeks to become an online Notary in Missouri, with the majority of time spent on getting your traditional Notary Public commission first. Once you're commissioned, you'll need to take the state-required training and pass the exam, choose a RON technology provider and submit your application.

How long will my remote Notary registration last?

Your remote online Notary registration will last for as long as your traditional Notary Public commission remains valid. You'll need to renew your commission and re-register as a remote Notary Public before performing RONs again.

Will RON services grow my MO Notary business?

Yes, becoming a remote Notary and joining a RON platform can help your business grow. With a RON platform, you have the convenience of providing your Notary services to more signers without leaving your home. As long as you're physically located within Missouri at the time of notarization, you can notarize for signers in any location.

To expand your business even more, you may want to consider becoming a Notary Signing Agent. An NSA certification indicates to RON technology providers that you've passed a current background screening, and you are qualified to notarize loan documents, making you eligible to receive more assignments.

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Last updated: May 5, 2023

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