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How to Become a Remote Online Notary in Hawaii

Starting January 1, 2021, Hawaii Notaries can register to perform remote online notarizations (RONs). If you want to become a remote Notary in the Aloha State, follow the steps below.

  1. Hold an existing commission as a traditional Notary Public.
  2. Contract with at least one RON technology provider that meets state requirements.
  3. Register for and pass the state exam. Pay the $10 application fee.
  4. Submit an application to the Attorney General of the Department of Attorney General.

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In This Guide: Hawaii RON Requirements | About RON in Hawaii | Additional FAQs

Requirements to be a Remote Online Notary in Hawaii

Before you can perform remote online notarizations, you must first meet the state's requirement of holding an existing commission as a traditional Notary Public. Notaries must be at least 18 years old; be a resident of Hawaii; be a citizen of, national of or permanent resident alien authorized to work in the U.S.; and be able to read, write, speak and understand English.

Notary applicants cannot be addicted to, dependent on or a habitual user of narcotics, barbiturates, amphetamines, hallucinogens, opium, cocaine, or other drugs or derivatives of a similar nature.

Is training or an exam required to become a remote Notary?

Yes, an exam is required to become a remote online Notary in Hawaii. To regiser for your exam, you'll need to go to the Hawaii Goverment website, create an account and schedule your exam.

What technology and supplies do I need to perform remote notarizations in Hawaii?

Hawaii Notaries must have a computer, webcam, microphone and secure internet connection. Your computer must be able to support a live two-way audio and video feed. Next, you'll need to contract with a RON provider that meets state requirements.

Other remote Notary supplies you'll need to purchase include an electronic journal, electronic seal and digital certificate containing your electronic signature. These must all be compliant with your chosen RON provider.

Do I need another surety bond?

No, Notaries are not required to get a second surety bond in addition to their $1,000 bond required for their traditional commissions. However, it's recommended you check with your bond provider to ensure your coverage includes remote Notary services.

Is an E&O insurance policy required in Hawaii?

No, Hawaii does not require Notaries to get an errors and omissions (E&O) policy for remote notarizations. Although an E&O policy would save you from costly lawsuits in the event you make an unintentional mistake on a notarized document.

About Remote Online Notarization (RON) in Hawaii

Hawaii Notaries can enjoy the benefits of notarizing for more signers without the extra travel. Learn all about RONs here.

Is remote online notarization allowed in Hawaii?

Yes, Senate Bill 2275 was signed into law and takes effect on January 1, 2021. The new law allows HI remote Notaries to register to perform RONs and provide their services to signers in any location with the only requirement being the Notaries themselves are physically located in the state at the time of the notarial act.

How do remote notarizations work?

Remote notarizations are performed the same way as in-person paper notarizations with a few key differences. In a remote notarization, documents are in a digital format and electronic signatures are used to sign them. The signer and Notary are in different locations but personally appear before each other using a secure audio-video connection.

The Notary verifies the signer's identity by using personal knowledge, satisfactory evidence of the identity of the signer by oath or affirmation from a credible witness appearing before the Notary, or satisfactory evidence via two different types of identity proofing. The Notary asks the signer if they are aware and willing to sign the document of their own free will. Using an electronic signature, the signer signs the document and the Notary proceeds with the rest of the notarization. The Notary checks the document, completes the notarial certificate and attaches a digital certificate containing their electronic signature.

The Notary saves a journal entry and audio-video recording of the session, marking the notarization complete.

Hawaii Notaries must be physically located within the state at the time of notarization, but the signer can be in any location.

What notarial acts can be performed remotely?

Notaries can perform the following acts virtually:

  • Administering oaths
  • Witnessing the signing of documents
  • Attesting to the identity of the signers of the document
  • Noting protests
  • Taking acknowledgments

Additional RON FAQs

Have more questions about remote Notaries in Hawaii? Read on below.

How much does it cost to register as a remote Notary?

The cost of becoming a remote online Notary ranges from below $100 to a couple of hundred dollars, depending on the companies you choose to work with and other factors.

For instance, you'll need to pay any fees associated with signing up with a RON provider and the cost of your digital supplies, including your electronic seal and digital certificate. You will also need to pay the $10 exam fee.

You'll also need to factor in the cost of maintaining a recommended E&O policy as well as the cost of a computer, webcam, microphone and secure internet access if you don't already have those items.

How much can HI remote Notaries charge for their services?

The Hawaii Attorney General sets $25 as the maximum fee Notaries can charge per remote notarization.

How long does it take to become a virtual Notary in Hawaii?

It can take eight to 10 weeks to become a remote online Notary in Hawaii. A majority of that time will be spent on getting your traditional Notary Public commission and allowing the Attorney General time to schedule your state-required exam and process your application.

The process of becoming a remote online Notary is relatively quick once you become commissioned. You'll spend one day choosing a RON vendor and getting your remote Notary supplies and one day completing and submitting your application to the Attorney General.

How long will my remote Notary commission last?

You're authorized to perform remote online notarizations for as long as your traditional Notary Public commission is active. You'll need to renew your remote Notary authorization at the same time you renew your traditional commission if you want to continue providing remote services.

Will RON services grow my HI Notary business?

Yes, becoming an online Notary and joining a RON platform can help your business grow. As a remote Notary, you'll have access to signers in any location. The only requirement is you have to be physically located within the state at the time of the notarial act.

To expand your business even further, you may want to consider becoming a certified Notary Signing Agent (NSA). Getting your NSA certification can make you eligible to receive more RON assignments and assures RON providers you've passed a current background screening.

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Last updated: Aug 30, 2022

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