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How to Become a Remote Online Notary in Arizona

As of April 10, 2020, Arizona Notaries may register to perform remote online notarizations (RONs). If you want to become an online Notary in AZ, here are the steps you are required to complete.

  1. Hold an existing commission as a traditional Notary Public.
  2. Read the AZ Remote Online Notary Rules before applying.
  3. Contract with a RON technology platform that meets the requirements stated in the rules.
  4. Submit an Electronic/Remote Notary Request to receive your remote Notary application from the Secretary of State.
  5. Print, sign and return your completed application to the Secretary of State.
  6. Receive your commission certificate by email.

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In This Guide: Arizona RON Requirements | About RON in Arizona | Additional FAQs

Requirements to be a Remote Notary in Arizona

In order to become an online Notary in Arizona, you must first hold an existing commission as a traditional Notary Public in the Copper State. Traditional Notaries are required to be at least 18 years old, a legal resident of Arizona, a citizen or legal permanent resident of the U.S., and able to read and write English.

Arizona Notaries also need to have a clean record of conduct. You cannot have any felony convictions unless you've been pardoned and your civil rights have been restored. Your record must be clear of any offenses that involve the legal concept of "moral turpitude."

Is training or an exam required to become an AZ online Notary?

Arizona does not require RON training or an exam. The Secretary of State notes that the RON technology vendor you choose will provide training that teaches you how to use their system.

What tools and technology do I need to perform remote online notarizations?

Notaries need a computer, webcam, microphone and secure connection to the internet in order to provide RON services. Your computer must be able to support two-way audio and video communication. The RON technology platform you choose should provide identity proofing and credential analysis of signers plus an electronic journal for your remote online notarizations. A few RON service providers that meet these requirements include: BlueNotary, Cyberize It, DocuSign, DocVerify, Notarize, NotaryCam, Pavaso, Safedocs and SIGNiX.

Arizona remote Notaries must also have a digital certificate containing their signature, an electronic seal, and a paper or an electronic journal — all of which must be compliant with the RON technology provider of your choice.

Do I need another surety bond?

Arizona does not require a surety bond in addition to the $5,000 bond needed for traditional commissions at this time. The surety bond for traditional Notaries covers remote notarial acts.

Why should I get an E&O insurance policy?

Getting an errors and omissions (E&O) insurance policy can provide you peace of mind in case you make an error or omit an element during a notarization. This optional insurance policy protects you from any costly mistakes that might arise during a notarial act whereas surety bonds protect the public.

About Remote Online Notarization (RON) in Arizona

Arizona Notaries will be pleased to learn how convenient RONs can be. After the initial setup, you can perform remote notarizations within the comfort of your home.

Does Arizona allow remote notarization?

Yes, the Arizona governor signed an executive order that moved up the effective date of AZ's remote notarization law to April 10, 2020. This law allows Notaries Public to apply for remote notarization authorization.

How do remote notarizations work in Arizona?

In Arizona online notarizations, the signer personally appears before the Notary Public in real-time using audio-video technology. The Notary verifies the signer's identity through the use of 1) personal knowledge, 2) remote presentation of an ID, credential analysis of the ID, and identity proofing, and 3) oath or affirmation of a credible witness with personal knowledge of the signer who appears before and is identified by the Notary. If the signer leaves at any point during the identity verification process, the signer must restart the identity proofing process from the beginning.

Starting July 1, 2022, Notaries must use two methods of identity proofing if they can't use personal knowledge or oath or affirmation of a credible witness.

Afterward, the online Notary screens the signer for awareness and willingness before proceeding.

Once all of those steps are taken, they complete the notarization with the attachment of an electronic Notary seal and digital certificate. The Notary then records the online notarization in an electronic journal, and the video recording of the session is stored.

Remote AZ Notaries can perform notarial acts for a signer in any physical location. However, the Notary must be physically located in the State of Arizona at the time of notarization.

What types of notarizations are permitted online?

Arizona allows the following notarial acts to be performed remotely:

  • Taking acknowledgments and giving certificates of the acknowledgments endorsed on or attached to the instrument
  • Administering oaths and affirmations
  • Performing jurats
  • Performing copy certifications
  • Witnessing or attesting a signature
  • Certifying or attesting a copy
  • Noting a protest of a negotiable instrument

What's the difference between an eNotary and a remote Notary in AZ?

In Arizona, an electronic Notary (or eNotary) is only authorized to perform electronic notarizations while a remote Notary is able to perform remote online notarizations. An eNotarization uses digital signatures, but still requires the signer to physically appear before the Notary. Remote online notarizations use digital signatures and are conducted using audio-video technology.

Additional RON FAQs

Check out the information below for answers to common questions about working as a remote Notary in Arizona.

How much does it cost to become an AZ online Notary?

The cost of becoming a remote online Notary in Arizona can range from below $100 to a few hundred dollars, depending on the companies you choose to work with and a variety of other factors. The Secretary of State does not charge any additional fees to become a remote Notary--beyond the standard $25 application fee and $18 bond filing fee for traditional Notaries. However, there will be other expenses, such as sign-up fees for your RON platform and the cost of digital supplies. You may already have a computer, webcam, microphone and secure internet access set up at home. If you don't, you will need to factor that equipment into your startup costs.

The cost for you to maintain a $5,000 surety bond and recommended E&O insurance policy may vary, depending on your credit history among other factors.

How much can online Notaries charge in Arizona?

Remote Notaries may charge up to $10 per notarial act, according to the AZ Secretary of State website.

How long does it take to become a virtual Notary?

It takes up to six weeks to become an AZ online Notary. Up to four of those weeks will be spent on the process of becoming a traditional Notary. Once you have your commission, you can move forward with the application to become a remote online Notary.

You must first submit a request to become an online Notary on the Secretary of State website, then wait for the SOS to email you an E-notary/RON Request form. Print, sign and return that form, then wait for the SOS to send your commission certificate through email. The entire process can take one to two weeks.

Also, factor in the time you'll spend choosing a RON technology provider, getting your supplies and getting a quote for the recommended E&O policy. You could reasonably finish each of these steps in a day, but it may take you longer.

How long will my remote Notary authorization last?

A remote online Notary authorization ends when your traditional Notary commission expires. To renew your authorization, you must first renew your Notary Public commission and then submit another RON application.

Will RON services grow my AZ Notary business?

Yes, becoming a remote online Notary and joining a RON platform can help your business grow. Your customer base is no longer limited to Arizona residents when you're an online Notary. You may notarize for signers outside of the state border or anywhere else as long as you're physically located in Arizona at the time of notarization.

You may also wish to expand your opportunities for remote online notarizations by getting certified as a Notary Signing Agent (NSA). This can make you eligible to receive more RON assignments, and it shows RON service providers that you've passed a current background screening.

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Last updated: June 21, 2023

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