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New Notary Laws

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LegislationSep 29, 2017 - Ohio
OH House Bill 49 - House Bill 49 authorizes acknowledgments to be performed by visually appearing using an electronic communications device and makes Notaries mandated reporters of adult abuse.

LegislationSep 25, 2017 - Maine
ME Legislative Document 1323 - LD 1323 revises Maine’s direct initiative signature gathering process to provide security around the process of notarizing signature gathering petitions.

LegislationSep 19, 2017 - Maine
ME Legislative Document 1275 - Legislative Document 1275 simplifies the statute regarding title defects by removing specific defects in the taking of an acknowledgment.

LegislationSep 01, 2017 - Texas
TX Senate Bill 1098 - Senate Bill 1098 makes changes to the information required to be recorded in a Notary's journal related to the addresses of parties to the notarization, as specified, and clarifies when a Notary must provide a certified copy of a record in the Notary's journal.

LegislationSep 01, 2017 - Texas
TX House Bill 1787 - House Bill 1787 now permits a declaration for mental health treatment to be acknowledged before a Notary.

LegislationSep 01, 2017 - Texas
Texas Senate Bill 1193 - Senate Bill 1193 enacts the Texas Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act.

LegislationSep 01, 2017 - Texas
TX Senate Bill 1400 - Senate Bill 1400 modifies the procedures for using a Notary in relation to the opening of safe deposit boxes.

LegislationSep 01, 2017 - Texas
TX House Bill 1974 - House Bill 1974 modifies the law concerning durable powers of attorney by enacting provisions from the Uniform Power of Attorney Act (UPOAA).

LegislationSep 01, 2017 - Texas
TX Senate Bill 2065 - Senate Bill 2065 makes translating certain immigration titles in a foreign language a false, misleading and deceptive trade practice and clarifies that Notaries who perform typing and translating services for compensation on immigration documents do not violate certain provisions related to advertising.

LegislationAug 25, 2017 - Nebraska
NE Legislative Bill 57 - Nebraska enacts the Uniform Unsworn Foreign Declarations Act (UUFDA). The UUFDA permits a person living or traveling outside of the U.S. who must sign a sworn statement to make the statement under penalty of perjury without having to appear before a Notary or U.S. consular officer to take an oath or affirmation.
