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New Notary Laws

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Rule/Regulation Sep 16, 2021 - New Jersey
NJ Special Administrative Rules (2021) - The New Jersey State Treasurer has adopted temporary administrative rules to implement the enactment of Public Act 2021-179 (A 4250) that expire March 16, 2023.

LegislationSep 15, 2021 - Delaware
DE Senate Bill 157 - Senate Bill 157 authorizes a personal power of attorney for matters related to motor vehicle registration to be signed in the presence of a notarial officer or contain an electronic signature acceptable to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

LegislationAug 28, 2021 - Nebraska
NE Legislative Bill 94 - Legislative Bill 94 validates certain notarizations performed under the Governor's Executive Order No. 20-13, dated April 1, 2020.

LegislationAug 02, 2021 - Arkansas
AR Senate Bill 437 - Senate Bill 437 makes non-substantive amendments to two Notary statutes, Arkansas Code 21-14-101 and 21-14-102.

LegislationAug 01, 2021 - North Dakota
ND House Bill 1077 - House Bill 1077 authorizes an individual to create their last will using electronic records and to electronically sign the will before a Notary or other officer authorized to take acknowledgments.

LegislationJul 29, 2021 - Michigan
MI Senate Bill 507 - Senate Bill 507 extends the expiration date of certain driver’s licenses in Michigan due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

LegislationJul 29, 2021 - Michigan
MI Senate Bill 509 - Senate Bill 509 extends the expiration date of official state identification cards due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

LegislationJul 26, 2021 - Illinois
IL Senate Bill 730 - Senate Bill 730 reinstates the temporary authorization to perform remote notarization during the COVID-19 pandemic and for 30 days after it ends.

LegislationJul 25, 2021 - Washington
WA Senate Bill 5370 - Senate Bill 5370 now allows a behavioral power of attorney for health care to be notarized.

LegislationJul 06, 2021 - Hawaii
HI Senate Bill 1327 - Senate Bill 1327 makes a technical, nonsubstantive change to HRS 456-17.
