UT House Bill 94


State: Utah
Signed: March 13, 2018

Effective: May 08, 2018
Chapter: 26


House Bill 94 enacts the Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act, creating a transfer on death deed that must be notarized.


Creates Sections 75-6-401 through 75-6-419 in the Utah Code Annotated.

  1. Permits the transfer of real property via a transfer on death deed.
  2. Requires a transfer on death deed to conform to the formalities (e.g. acknowledgment, notarization) of an inter vivos deed.
  3. Requires the transfer on death deed to be recorded prior to the grantor's death.
  4. Clarifies that a transfer on death deed is nontestamentary (is not a "last will" and is not required to be probated as such).
  5. Provides that the capacity required to make or revoke a transfer on death deed is the same as the capacity required to make a will.
  6. Provides a form for a transfer on death deed.

House Bill 94 enacts the Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act, allowing an owner of a property to deed the property to a beneficiary of the owner's choosing effective upon the owner's death instead of having to bequeath the property in a will or other estate document. The transfer on death deed must follow the typical formalities of any other type of deed, including being acknowledged before a Notary.

Read House Bill 94.
