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SD House Bill 1133


State: South Dakota
Signed: March 11, 2025

Effective: July 01, 2025
Chapter: TBD


House Bill 1133 eliminates the $5,000 Notary Public surety bond requirement.


Amends Sections 18-1-2 and 18-1-3 of the South Dakota Century Code.

  1. Eliminates the $5,000 Notary bond.

House Bill 1133 does away with the $5,000 Notary surety bond. The NNA wrote a letter of opposition to the House committee assigned to the bill as well as to the Governor requesting his veto. The NNA believes surety bonds protect the public and keeps Notaries aware of their financial liability when performing notarial acts, but the bill author characterized his bill as a “targeted and common-sense change.”

Read House Bill 1133.
