OR Administrative Rules 2010 (Seal)


State: Oregon

Effective: February 03, 2010


An amended rule for the information appearing in an Oregon Notary Public’s official seal prescribes the exact format for the commission expiration date. The month must be completely spelled out, the date must appear in two-digit format and the year must appear in four-digit format.


Amends Section 160-100-0100 of the Oregon Administrative Rules.

  1. Clarifies that the commission expiration date appearing in the Notary’s seal must contain the full name of the month, two-digit date and complete year.
  2. Makes minor stylistic changes.

The effect of the third administrative rule change for Oregon Notaries in 2010 is that the commission expiration date appearing in the Notary’s official seal must be completely spelled out and not abbreviated or put in numerical format (e.g., “February” and not “Feb.” or “2”). In addition, the day of the month must appear in two-digit format and the year in four-digit format (e.g. “February 09, 2010” and not “February 9, 2010,” “February 9, 2010,” or 2/9/10).

Read the adopted administrative rules (see page 141).
