AnalysisSenate 1780 permanently authorizes electronic notarization in New York. Much of the new law requires the Secretary of State to adopt regulations in advance of the June 30, 2022, effective date to implement the new law. The regulations will cover matters including how a remotely located individual is identified, rules related to a Notary’s electronic signature, and standards for the use of communication technology. A Notary who wants to perform remote notarizations must register before performing remote notarizations.
Read Senate 1780.
On February 24, 2022, the Governor signed
Senate 7780 (Chapter 104), a chapter amendment to this new law, that accomplished the following:
- It renumbered Executive Law 137-a as enacted by this new law as Executive Law 135-c;
- It amended provisions of the newly renumbered Executive Law 135-c; and
- It delayed the effective date of this new law and the new amendments until January 31, 2023.
Read the Text of Senate 7780.