State: Louisiana
Signed: January 01, 2009
Effective: January 01, 2009
Chapter: Act No. 120
SummarySenate Bill 37 extends the existing provisions for appointing ex-officio Notaries to act for and on behalf of municipal police departments by granting authority to any mayor of a municipality of less than 5,000 to make such appointments.
AffectsAmends Title 35 Section 407 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes.
Changes - Authorizes any mayor of a municipality with a population of less than 5,000 to designate employees of the mayor’s office as ex-officio Notaries to perform notarial acts on behalf of the municipal police department.
- Limits the powers of ex-officio Notaries appointed by a mayor to administering oaths and executing affidavits, acknowledgments, traffic tickets, and other documents that relate to official functions of the police department and enforcement of the provisions of any statute with criminal penalties or a local ordinance.
- Stipulates that notarizations performed by ex-officio Notaries appointed by a mayor are to be performed at no charge and without giving bond.
- Authorizes a mayor to suspend or terminate the appointment of an employee with ex-officio powers at any time, and states that separation from employment automatically terminates the ex-officio Notary appointment.
AnalysisSenate Bill 37 extends the existing provisions for appointing ex-officio Notaries to act for and on behalf of municipal police departments by granting authority to any mayor of a municipality of 5,000 or less to make such appointments. All provisions governing the duties of ex-officio Notaries, the offering of notarial services at no charge and the administration of ex-officio Notary appointments apply to ex-officio Notaries appointed by a mayor.
Read Senate Bill 37.