CT House Bill 5356


State: Connecticut
Signed: May 21, 2004

Effective: October 01, 2004
Chapter: Public Act No. 04-132


House Bill 5356 adds two new acknowledgment forms – one for a limited liability company (CGS 1-34[5]) and the other for a registered limited liability partnership (CGS 1-34[6]) – to the four existing acknowledgment forms in Connecticut’s Uniform Acknowledgment Act.


Amends Connecticut General Statutes Sections 1-34 and 1-62.

  1. Provides four new statutory acknowledgment certificates – two for use by limited liability companies, each slightly different, and two for use by registered limited liability partnerships, each slightly different.

Connecticut is one of the few states to have adopted both the Uniform Acknowledgment Act of 1939 and the Uniform Recognition of Acknowledgments Act of 1968. This bill adds two new acknowledgment forms – one for a limited liability company (CGS 1-34[5]) and the other for a registered limited liability partnership (CGS 1-34[6]) – to the four existing acknowledgment forms in Connecticut’s Uniform Acknowledgment Act. The bill also adds two new and slightly different acknowledgment forms – also one for a limited liability company (CGS1-62[6]) and the other also for a registered limited liability partnership (CGS 1-62[7]) – to the five existing forms in Connecticut’s Uniform Recognition of Acknowledgments Act. The two pairs of notarial certificates perform exactly the same function, but they’re couched in the language and style of their respective uniform acts.

Read House Bill 5356.
