AnalysisSenate Bill 821 addresses fraud in connection with initiative and referendum petitions. Evidently, in 2012 sponsors of 4 separate initiative petitions submitted petitions to the Secretary of State containing over two 298,000 purported signatures of registered voters. Of the 4 petitions submitted, none had an initial validity rate in excess of 56%, and 3 of the petitions had an initial validity rate below 31%. Furthermore, in connection with the 3 petitions with the lowest initial validity rate, there were widespread instances of apparent fraud, forgery, and false statements in the signature-gathering process. SB 821 targets canvassers, sponsors, agents of sponsors and Notaries. The new law makes it a Class A misdemeanor for a Notary to knowingly fail to properly witness a canvasser's affidavit as specified under the law and to engage in specified acts of misconduct in notarizing initiative and referendum petitions.
Read Senate Bill 821.