AK House Bill 336


State: Alaska
Signed: September 27, 2018

Effective: December 26, 2018
Chapter: 108


House Bill 336 allows an individual to create a supportive decision-making agreement that must be witnessed by 2 adults or be notarized.


Adds a new chapter 56 to title 13 of the Alaska Statutes.

  1. Allows an individual to create a supported decision-making agreement naming another individual to provide assistance with making supportive decisions, as described.
  2. Requires a supported decision-making agreement to be dated and in writing and, among other requirements, requires the agreement either to be signed in the presence of two witnesses or the signatures of the principal and each named supporter to be notarized.
  3. Provides a supportive decision-making form.

Supportive decision-making allows an adult with a disability to name another individual to be that person's supportive decision-maker in a supportive decision-making agreement. The decision-maker helps the adult make educational, financial and medical decisions as well as other important life decisions. Thus, supportive decision-making "is an alternative to guardianship. Guardians make decisions for the person with a disability. However, supported decision-making allows the person with the disability to make his or her own decisions instead of having someone else make them for him or her" (From About SDM, What is Supported Decision-making at supporteddecisions.org).

Read House Bill 336.
