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Signing Agent Training and Exam

$145 Item #23014

Learn the fundamentals of loan signings, key documents, and best practices to protect borrower privacy. This course prepares you to conduct signings professionally and meet industry standards, helping you pass the NSA Certification Exam and get one step closer to earning your NNA Certified Notary Signing Agent designation.

  • Details

    This course provides essential training for Notaries looking to become Notary Signing Agents (NSAs). You'll learn the fundamentals of loan signings, understand key mortgage documents, and gain insights into what hiring companies look for in an NSA. The training covers industry standards, including the "Notary Signing Agent Code of Conduct" and "Signing Presentation Guidelines" set by the Signing Professionals Workgroup. Completing this course will prepare you for the included NSA Certification Exam, which validates your knowledge of proper signing procedures and borrower privacy protection.

    By passing the exam along with a background screening, you’ll earn the NNA Notary Signing Agent Certification—widely recognized by the mortgage finance industry as the standard qualification for NSAs.

  • System Requirements

    NNA® Online Course System & Software Requirements

    NNA's online courses are optimized for desktop and laptop computers. While they can be accessed on mobile devices and tablets, a desktop or laptop is recommended for the best learning experience.

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