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Notary Essentials®

$65 Item #3089

Learn the five steps that make notarizations simple and worry-free in this interactive online course.

Note: This course does not satisfy any state training requirements.

  • Details

    Learn the Five Steps That Make Any Notarization Simple and Worry-Free

    Notary Essentials® will give you the how-to expertise you need to confidently perform the most common notarial acts in your state with ease and accuracy. This interactive, self-paced 90-minute online course will teach you what to do and how to do it using five easy-to-follow steps. Real-life scenarios put you in everyday situations you're most likely to encounter, giving you knowledge that will make you more prepared and confident when performing your duties. 

    Following the easy-to-understand step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn:

    • The five easy steps that make any notarization simple and worry-free.
    • The most common notarial acts in your state and how to perform them.
    • The most common mistakes Notaries make and how to avoid them.
    • How to avoid common pitfalls using real-life scenarios.

    Discover how easy notarization can be.

    NOTE: This course does not satisfy any state training requirements.


  • System Requirements

    NNA® Online Course System & Software Requirements

    NNA's online courses are optimized for desktop and laptop computers. While they can be accessed on mobile devices and tablets, a desktop or laptop is recommended for the best learning experience.

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    Web Browsers



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