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Iowa Traditional Notary Education

We're sorry. Iowa Traditional Notary Education is not available for use by notaries in Ohio. If the chosen state is incorrect, you may change your state at the top right of the page.

Learn Iowa's Notary laws and Notary practices in general from the comfort of your home or office with our convenient online course. 

You can purchase your state-required Notary seal stamp and other supplies you may need through one of our all-inclusive packages.

  • Details

    Our convenient online course will teach you Iowa's Notary laws and Notary practices in general. Every section of the law is covered and explained, including:

    • Detailed instructions on the process to become a Notary in Iowa in Lesson 1.
    • In Lesson 2, we’ll provide you with an overview of the five-step notarization process.
    • Once you learn the notarial process, we will move to Lesson 3, where you will learn specifics of the different kinds of notarial acts you will be commissioned to perform.
    • In Lesson 4, we will cover what responsibilities you have as a Notary and èwhat to do when you encounter unique circumstances.
    • And our last lesson is Lesson 5, which covers examples of Notary misconduct, what penalties a Notary may face if charged with misconduct, and the protections that a Notary has against liability and misconduct.

    Exam Information:

    • This traditional Notary exam tests your familiarity with Iowa Notary law. It also tests your knowledge of the procedures and guidelines covered in the the course.
    • There are 30 questions in the exam
    • You must receive a minimum score of 80% to pass the exam.
    • You may take the exam until you achieve a passing score.
    • Once completed, you will see a feedback summary. Click the tab at the bottom of you rscreen to see which questions you answered correctly and which were incorrect.
    • Once you have completed the training and passed the exam, you will receive a certificate of completion via email. 

    You can purchase your state-required Notary seal stamp and other supplies you may need through one of our all-inclusive packages.

  • System Requirements

    NNA® Online Course System & Software Requirements

    NNA's online courses are optimized for desktop and laptop computers. While they can be accessed on mobile devices and tablets, a desktop or laptop is recommended for the best learning experience.

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