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How to Become a Notary Public in Virginia

The following steps briefly explain what you need to do if you want to become a Notary Public in Virginia:

  1. Meet all of the state's requirements.
  2. Complete and print an application form.
  3. Pay the $45 application fee.
  4. Have your signature on Part 3 of the application notarized.
  5. Mail in your notarized application and payment.
  6. Receive a notification if you're approved.
  7. Take your oath of office and pay the $10 fee.
  8. Buy your Notary seal.

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About the Virginia Notary Process

The Virginia Notary commission is valid for four years, after which you’ll need to renew it to continue as a Notary. Your commission expires on the last day of the month you were born.

Cost of Becoming a VA Notary

The cost to become a Virginia Notary is $95. However, the final cost may vary based on where you purchase your Notary seal.

Expense Cost
Application fee $45
Notarization fee $10
Notary seal $30
Circuit Court fee for administering your oath $10
Total Cost $95

Commission Processing Time

Once the state receives the application, the turnaround time is generally three weeks.

Virginia Notary Public Requirements

Find out how to qualify and what supplies you need to become a VA Notary.


To qualify to become a Notary in Virginia, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be able to read and write English
  • Be a legal resident of the U.S.
  • Be a resident of or have a place of employment in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Additionally, applicants must not have been convicted of a felony under the laws of the United States or in the Commonwealth of Virginia, or the laws of any other state, unless their rights are restored.


Complete and print the application form.

Pay the $45 application fee online or by check/money order.

When paying online, ensure the barcode number on your printed application matches the invoice number on your receipt to ensure proper payment on your account.


Take your application to a Virginia Notary and have your signature on Part 3 of the application notarized.

Mail in your notarized application and payment receipt (if you paid online) or check/money order for the application fee to the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

Circuit Court

If you're approved, a notice will be sent to both you and the Circuit Court clerk within two to three weeks.

Within 60 days of the notice, visit the Circuit Court to take your oath of office and pay the $10 fee.

Notary Seal

Virginia Notaries are required to have an official Notary seal.

You can choose from either an inked stamp or embosser. The law requires that the seal be sharp, legible, permanent and photographically reproducible. The seal must include the following information:

  • Your name as it appears on your commission
  • The words "Notary Public"
  • The words "Commonwealth of Virginia"
  • Your Notary registration number (optional)
  • The words "My commission expires _______ (date)" (optional)

If you choose to use an embosser, you’ll need an embosser inker to satisfy the requirement that the impression is able to be photocopied.

A journal of official acts isn't required but recommended by the state. If you perform electronic notarizations though, a journal is required. Learn about the importance of keeping a Notary journal.

Virginia Notary Public FAQs

Have more questions about being a Virginia Notary? Read on below.

Which state government office handles Notaries?

The Secretary of Commonwealth, located in Richmond, VA, is responsible for commissioning Notaries Public in Virginia. The state offers a free download of the Virginia Notary Handbook.

Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
P.O. Box 1795
Richmond, Virginia 23218-1795

May I become a Virginia Notary if I don't live in the Commonwealth?

Yes. You do not have to be a resident of Virginia to become a Virginia Notary Public if you are regularly employed in the state and perform Notary services in connection with your employment.

Is training or an exam required to become a Notary in Virginia?

No training or exam is required. Virginia is a "self-certifying" state.

Do I need a surety bond or insurance?

A bond is not required and insurance is optional.

Learn how Notary E&O insurance can protect you.

Where will I be able to notarize?

Virginia Notaries are authorized to notarize documents anywhere within the borders of the state.

You may also notarize for signers outside of Virginia, but only if the documents will be used in Virginia or by the U.S. government (§ 47.1-13, § 47.1-13.1).

Who can I notarize for?

You may notarize for any member of the public who makes a reasonable request and meets all requirements for notarization, such as personally appearing before you and providing satisfactory proof of identity.

You're prohibited from notarizing your own signature, your spouse's signature, or any document from which you or your spouse may benefit.

You may enter into an agreement with your employer to have your employer pay for your commission and supplies. In exchange, the employer may limit your notarizations during business hours to transactions directly related to your employer's business purposes. If you charge a fee for your service, your employer may not require you to surrender the fee.

What fees can VA Notaries charge for notarizations?

Virginia Notaries are not required to charge a fee, but you may charge a maximum fee of $10 per notarial act.

You may charge an additional fee for travel expenses, but only if the signer agrees to it in advance.

What should I do if I move or change my name?

If you move during your commission, you must update your information in your account on the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website.

If you change your name, you must indicate your original name in which your commission was issued on all notarial acts. The following language should appear on all notarized documents: "I was commissioned a Notary Public as [your original name]."

When you renew your commission, you may apply under your new name.

How do I renew my Notary commission in Virginia?

The process to renew your commission is the same as if you were applying to become a Notary Public for the first time except your application doesn’t need to be notarized if you meet the following conditions:

  • Be in good standing
  • Not be subject to any investigation or proceeding
  • Never have been removed from office

How do I become an electronic Notary?

To become an electronic Notary, you must first hold an existing commission as a Virginia Notary Public and get an electronic Notary seal prior to applying. You must complete the eNotary Application and pay the $45 fee online.

If your application is approved, you'll receive an email confirmation. If it's not approved, you'll receive an email stating the reason(s) for the decision and your application and payment will be refunded.

What do I need to know about remote electronic notarization in Virginia?

In 2013, Virginia became the first state to allow remote online notarizations (RONs). Notaries must get commissioned as an eNotary before they can register to perform RONs.

This step-by-step guide will help you with the rest of the registration process.

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Last updated: Jan 27, 2025

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