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Palmprints And Photos: ID Security Or Invasion Of Privacy?

With more people seeking healthcare services using false names and identities, hospitals are adding security features to verify patient identity, including palm print readers and photographing patients. While some observers see this as a necessary safeguard, others fear it’s a violation of patient privacy.

New York journalist Natasha Singer recently wrote about her experience having her palm scanned for security purposes at a local medical center. While she was told the process was used to help protect against identity theft, Singer said she felt uncomfortable with the idea of a hospital retaining a copy of her biometric ID. It was only after she was asked provide a photo as well that Singer was told the scan and picture were optional. “After the palm scan, that seemed like data-collection overkill,” Singer wrote.

The Healthcare Professional Section would like to know what you think about this issue. Notaries are responsible for ensuring signers are positively identified to prevent document fraud, but they also have a responsibility to safeguard the privacy of a signer’s information. Do you believe requiring photos, biometric scans or extra identification methods are necessary to confirm the identity of patients in a healthcare setting, or is it too intrusive? 


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Angela Kay Abler

30 Nov 2022

I have worked in Healthcare for over three decades. I am extremely guarded with my personal information when I go to my doctor appointments. They already have a copy of my D.L, and insurance card. That is all they need!!! If your current doctors ask you for your fingerprints or palm prints, find another facility! My husband is also a retired police officer and says there is NO NEED for a doctors office or hospital to ever ask you for fingerprints or palm prints! This is a HUGE invasion of your privacy people! Please keep as much of your personal information private!


20 Feb 2023

Unfortunately I was told I had to do the palm printing for an upcoming procedure not knowing I had the option to deny it. Is there anyway I can have them delete my print or am I screwed now.

National Notary Association

27 Feb 2023

Hello. You would need to contact the person or agency that took the palm print to ask them directly.

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