NNA Ambassador Trademark Guidelines
When properly used, the NNA Notary Ambassador® mark represents standards of excellence for Notary practices and demonstrates your commitment to upholding these standards to your customers and peers.
Currently commissioned Notaries who are confirmed members of the National Notary Association’s Ambassador Network are authorized to use the NNA Notary Ambassador® trademark for the designated calendar year.
NNA Ambassadors may use the trademark and badge in communications and marketing materials including business cards, letterhead, advertising, presentation materials, personal promotional literature, signage, email signatures and websites.
Please carefully review the guidelines below. Permission to use the mark can be revoked if you misuse it.
- The NNA Notary Ambassador® mark must be clearly associated with the person’s name.
Correct Use: Jane Doe, NNA Notary Ambassador®
- The NNA Notary Ambassador® mark must always appear with the registered trademark symbol: ®. Using (R) after the NNA Notary Ambassador® mark is an acceptable alternative if you are unable to create the registered trademark symbol.
Correct Use: Jane Doe, NNA Notary Ambassador®, or Jane Doe, NNA Notary Ambassador(R)
Incorrect Use: Jane Doe, Notary Ambassador, or Jane Doe, NNA Ambassador™
- An NNA Ambassador may not use an email address or Internet domain that includes the NNA Notary Ambassador® trademark.
Correct Use: jane@mobilenotary.com, or www.janesnotaryservice.com
Incorrect Use: NotaryAmbassadorJane@yahoo.com, NNAambassadorJane@gmail.com, or www.nnaambassador.com, or www.nnanotaryambassador.com, or www.janedoennaambassador.com