Georgia Immigration Assistance Provider Bond

Get your 1-year, $5,000 bond starting at $100.

With more than 60 years’ experience, we make it easy to get your state-required immigration assistance provider bond. Our competitive rates help you satisfy state requirements and stay on budget.

Call 1-855-215-2160

woman purchasing a bond

Qualification based on personal credit history. Financing provided by Imperial PFS. Acceptable credit history required for bond approval. Rates subject to change without notice.

How to Become an Immigration Assistance Provider in Georgia

Immigration assistance is defined by Georgia state law as any service provided to clients for compensation related to immigration matters, not including legal advice or assistance requiring legal analysis, judgment, or interpretation of law.

To get your license as an Immigration Assistant Provider, the law requires that you complete the following:

Learn more and get a free quote

Call 1-855-215-2160 or fill out this form.

Agent for all bonds and insurance policies is NNA Insurance Services, LLC.

Information for Georgia Notaries

If you are a Notary applying to become an immigration assistance provider, please note that you are required to post the mandatory immigration assistance provider bond. This bond protects your clients against errors committed during the immigration consulting process, not those involving notarization.

Become an Immigration Forms Specialist

Get training to offer immigration form preparation service.